On Friday, Citigroup Vice Chairman Lewis Kaden and investment banker Edward Kelly spoke by phone with New York Fed President Timothy Geithner to discuss the worsening situation. 上周五,花旗集团副董事长路易斯•卡登(LewisKaden)和投资银行家爱德华•凯利(EdwardKelly)与纽约联邦储备银行行长盖纳(TimothyGeithner)通了电话,讨论了不断恶化的局势。
Hillary Clinton has fed speculation that she might run for the White House in 2016 by telling an audience in Canada that she would like to see a woman president in the United States in her lifetime. 希拉里-克林顿日前在加拿大表示,她希望有生之年能看到美国诞生一位女性总统,这样的说辞也增加了外界对她会在2016年参加总统竞选的猜测。
If Mr. Bernanke moves at the Fed's Sept. 12-13 policy meeting, as many investors expect, he will surely be accused by Republicans of trying to goose the economy and markets to help President Barack Obama's re-election. 如果贝南克像许多投资者期待的那样,在9月12日至13日的美联储政策会议上拿出行动,共和党人必定会指责他刺激经济是为了帮助奥巴马获得连任。
William Dudley, New York Fed President, and Mr Corzine had indeed worked together at Goldman Sachs, though approval came a month before the latter officially joined MF global. 纽约联储主席威廉达德利(williamdudley)和科赛因确实曾在高盛共事过,但mfglobal是在科赛因正式入职之前一个月获批的。
Copies of Keynes are dusted off, the Fed lowers interest rates, the president and Congress cut taxes and hike spending. 重新翻开尘封已久的凯恩斯的著作,联邦政府调低利息率,总统和国会开始减税,增加财政支出。
The governor with the least job security, in theory, is Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, who can be dismissed by the US president "for any cause". 在理论上,工作最没有保障的是美联储(fed)主席本伯南克(benbernanke),美国总统可以“以任何理由”将其解职。
Alarm about the fiscal cliff has spread across a swath of us business, the Federal Reserve said yesterday as President Barack Obama appealed to middle-class Americans to inundate Congress with demands to reach a budget deal. 美联储(fed)昨日表示,对于财政悬崖的恐慌已扩散到美国企业界,同时美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)呼吁美国中产阶级,向国会发出达成预算协议的强烈要求。
The Fed conducts the nation's monetary policy, but faces no regulation from the government aside from the appointment of its President and Board of Governors. 美联储制定这个国家的货币政策,但除了其主席和理事会必须由政府指派外并不接受政府的操纵。
This month bill Dudley, President of the New York Fed, travelled to Queens, a borough of New York City, to discuss the economy and the workings of the central bank. 本月,纽约联邦储备银行(newyorkfed)行长比尔达德利(billdudley)前往纽约市皇后区讨论经济议题和央行的工作情况。
Charles Plosser, President of the Philadelphia Fed, said yesterday that credit might yet have to be tightened and that it was "too soon to declare victory". 费城联邦储备银行(philadelphiafed)行长查尔斯普洛舍(charlesplosser)昨日表示,美国的信贷环境可能仍需收紧,现在“宣告胜利为时尚早”。
In an interview with CNBC, Charles Evans, Chicago Fed president, said that he would favour more accommodation and argued that a short-term rise in inflation to 3 per cent was acceptable. 在接受CNBC采访时,芝加哥联邦储备银行(ChicagoFed)行长查尔斯埃文斯(CharlesEvans)表示,他赞同出台更多宽松政策,并指出短期通胀水平上升至3%是可以接受的。
Some Fed officials such as Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher have tried to stress that quantitative easing is not a "done deal." 一些美联储官员诸如达拉斯董事理查德费希尔已试图着重强调量化宽松不是“做交易。”
That is what Arthur Burns, then Fed chairman, did in the early 1970s, under pressure from Richard Nixon, then president. 上世纪70年代初,在时任美国总统的理查德•尼克松(RichardNixon)的压力下,当时的美联储主席亚瑟•伯恩斯(ArthurBurns)就是这么做的。
Jeffrey Lacker, the Richmond Fed president, cast a formal dissenting vote, preferring another rate rise, as he did in August. 里士满联储银行行长杰弗里•莱克尔(JeffreyLacker)倾向于再次升息,他和8月份一样,投下了正式的反对票。
The central bank's approach to securities purchases was defended by William Dudley, president of the New York Fed, which is responsible for market operations. 纽约联邦储备银行(NewYorkFed)负责市场运作。该行行长威廉达德利(WilliamDudley),为美国央行购买证券的做法进行了辩护。
New York Fed President William Dudley has said that further aid is "likely to be warranted." 纽约美联储董事威廉达德利说更一步的院长是“很有可能允许的。”
I showed the members how I could be tube fed by the president. 会长还以我作示用喂食管喂奶。